Looking at the advantages of China's scientific and technological system

2020-05-15  views:3021

Source: Qiushi.com

Summary of content: In the process of prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, China has been able to take the lead in action, control, and recovery. A crucial factor is that China's scientific and technological forces have played a pivotal role. Judging from the effect of this fight against the epidemic, the party’s overall leadership of science and technology, the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, planning first, and the new nationwide science and technology system have all exerted their unique advantages and governance efficiency, fully verifying the socialist science and technology with Chinese characteristics. The remarkable superiority and strong vitality of the system.

In the face of the sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic, my country’s ability to quickly and effectively contain the spread of the virus and effectively reduce the fatality rate in the process of epidemic prevention and control is due to a complete scientific and technological innovation system and its strong governance efficiency. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the non-party forum held on May 8, 2020, “We have coordinated and used comprehensive national power to carry out a full range of human organization warfare, material support warfare, technological assault warfare, and resource movement warfare. We Relying closely on scientific and technological progress, the whole genome sequence of the new coronavirus was determined and the virus strains were isolated in less than a week, a variety of testing reagent products were launched in time, and a batch of effective drugs and treatment plans were quickly screened. Vaccine research and development enters the clinical trial stage". The release of the immense power of science and technology is a concentrated expression of the advantages of China's science and technology system and governance efficiency. In the final analysis, it is the result of deepening the reform of the science and technology system under the leadership of the party for a long time.

The party's overall leadership of science and technology

The leadership of the Chinese Communist Party is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Party, government, military, and civilian studies, east, west, south, north, middle, the party leads everything. Since the founding of New China, from the establishment of a complete industrial system to the "two bombs and one satellite" and other major scientific and technological achievements, all have been the result of the party's overall leadership. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has been standing at the historical height of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, taking innovation as the first driving force for development, and proposing "Scientific and technological innovation is the core, grasping technological innovation. He has grasped the important thesis of “the bull nose that affects the overall situation of China’s development” and formed a complete system from theory to strategy to action for the leadership of science and technology, and promoted historic changes in China’s science and technology innovation, made historic achievements, and developed for the country. , People’s happiness has laid a solid material foundation.

In different stages and occasions of this epidemic prevention and control, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always emphasized the supporting role of science and technology in overcoming the epidemic, and has made a series of arrangements for speeding up scientific research. In terms of status, it puts forward the general requirements of "strengthening confidence, helping each other in the same boat, scientific prevention and control, and precise policy implementation", thereby placing "scientific prevention and control" in an extremely important position; in terms of task requirements, it is required to master more cores with independent intellectual property rights Science and technology, to produce more hard-core products; in scientific research organizations, it is reiterated that "key core technology research can be used to reveal the list. No matter where the hero comes from, whoever has the ability will reveal the list", it is required to mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties and integrate multidisciplinary forces. Joint efforts to tackle key problems; in terms of treatment methods, it is required to adhere to the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine and to pay equal attention to both Chinese and Western medicine, optimize the diagnosis and treatment plan, and improve the effectiveness of clinical treatment; in terms of time schedule, it is required to accelerate the research and development progress on the basis of adhering to science and ensuring safety. Do it urgently and strive for an early breakthrough, etc.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the opening meeting of the 19th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 14th Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: “We adhere to the party’s leadership of science and technology, improve the party’s leadership system for science and technology work, and give full play to the party’s leadership. Political advantages, deepening the understanding of the laws of innovation and development, science and technology management, and talent growth, and focusing on the important, cutting-edge, and foundation, provide a strong political guarantee for the development of China’s science and technology." It is precisely because of the fact that Comrade Xi Jinping is the core. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to the cause of science and technology, adheres to and strengthens the overall leadership of the party’s scientific and technological work throughout the entire process of scientific and technological reform and development, firmly seizes the major strategic opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and adapts to the high quality of the economy The urgent requirements of development, the strengthening of key core technologies, the deepening of the reform of the science and technology system, and the firm implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, can China's science and technology business be able to cut through waves and move forward, and be able to respond to this major public health crisis. Powerful and efficient.

Independent innovation path with Chinese characteristics

Innovation is the first driving force for development and a key factor in the country's comprehensive national strength and core competitiveness. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The core technology, key technology, and the country’s important equipment must be based on itself.” Since the founding of New China, China’s science and technology has been able to change from the passive situation of “one poor and two white” to today’s situation where thousands of sails compete and catch up. It is inseparable from the strong leadership of the party, and it is also inseparable from the tens of thousands of scientific and technological workers who carry forward the spirit of self-reliance and hard work, and insist on embarking on a road of independent innovation with truly Chinese characteristics.

In order to fully grasp the initiative in technological innovation, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has taken a long-term view and decisively opened a new era of "persisting on the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics". General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, "Major scientific and technological innovations are the country's most important and powerful weapon, and must be firmly in our hands, and we must rely on self-reliance and independent innovation." During this fight against the epidemic, General Secretary Xi Jinping further clearly pointed out that "major scientific and technological achievements in the field of life safety and biosafety are also the country's important weapons."

It is precisely because of unswervingly following the path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics that China has always taken the initiative in the turbulent international technology competition, industrial competition, trade competition, and even the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic. In recent years, we have made breakthroughs in a large number of fields such as quantum communication, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, 5G, big data, cloud computing, mobile payment, C919 large aircraft manufacturing, domestic aircraft carrier manufacturing, Beidou navigation system, and in the international innovation chain, The increase in the right to speak in the industrial chain and value chain is all achievements in adhering to the path of independent innovation. Similarly, in the fight against the epidemic, a series of domestic testing reagents, diagnosis and treatment equipment and therapeutic drugs in the field of life safety and biosafety have played an important role in saving lives and healing injuries.

Planning first and top-level design first

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. One of the great advantages of socialist China lies in the emphasis and implementation of overall planning and coordinated progress. This is reflected in the development of all undertakings including technology.

The "Outline of the 1956-1967 Scientific and Technological Development Vision Plan (Draft Amendment)" condensed 57 important scientific and technological tasks from 13 aspects including economic construction, national defense and security, and basic science, and opened up the top-level design of China's scientific and technological system. the way. Afterwards, "Outline of Science and Technology Development Plan for 1963-1972", "Outline of National Science and Technology Development Plan for 1978-1985", "The Ten-Year Plan for Science and Technology Development of the People's Republic of China and Outline of the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" (1991-2000)" The National Science and Technology Development "Ninth Five-Year Plan" and the Outline of the Long-term Plan to 2010" "Special Plan for the Development of Science and Technology and Education in the Tenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development" "National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan Outline (2006-2020) ”And other important documents, which together constitute the top-level design of China’s scientific and technological system.

Judging from the scientific and technological strength demonstrated in this fight against the epidemic, the two major scientific and technological special projects of "Major New Drug Creation" and "Major Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Project" laid out in the "Outline of the National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan (2006-2020)", Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the science and technology management departments have actively implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Jin Ping, “the government science and technology management departments must focus on strategy, planning, policy, and service, and give full play to the institutional advantages of the national strategic science and technology forces.” Science, especially the layout and deployment of scientific and technological investment in the field of people's health, has provided sufficient guarantee for the realization of multi-disciplinary comprehensive scientific research such as virus traceability, drug screening, treatment method innovation and vaccine research and development in this anti-epidemic.

The advantages of this kind of science and technology system with planning first and top-level design first are: one is to take part in the whole, and to design part of the functions with system efficiency; the other is to ensure the continuity of the system and form a combination of short-term and long-term goals. Between each system is a "relay" rather than a "challenge"; the third is to ensure that the discovery of key issues and the proposal of major tasks can be effectively implemented.

A new nationwide system of technological innovation

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, “The most powerful weapon for humans to compete with diseases is science and technology. Mankind cannot overcome catastrophes and epidemics without scientific development and technological innovation.” From a practical perspective, the emergence of scientific and technological achievements comes from scientists and engineers. The integrated effect of multiple factors, including scientific and technological facilities, scientific and technological investment, knowledge dissemination, industrial development and enterprise innovation, and to achieve this step, it is unimaginable without a set of effective scientific and technological systems.

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward the task of building a new nationwide system for key core technologies under the conditions of a socialist market economy. This institutional and institutional advantage has been fully verified in the fight against the epidemic.

Soon after the outbreak, the scientific and technological authorities promptly summarized and launched the "three-drug three-plan" for the treatment of new coronary pneumonia based on the research results of all parties, and continued to explore and improve the treatment methods such as integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, convalescent plasma, and stem cells, which greatly reduced the number of infected people. The case fatality rate blocked the spread of the virus in time. The practice of this scientific and technological assault war against the epidemic shows that it is precisely in accordance with the unified deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council that the Ministry of Science and Technology, in conjunction with the National Health Commission, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has established a scientific research team. Set up a special class for drug research and development, a special class for vaccine research and development, a special class for testing reagents, a special class for virus traceability, etc., quickly gather superior scientific research forces across the country, urgently allocate funds and facilities, and multi-pronged, multiple measures can be used in the short term Achieved many results.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the non-party forum, "Our greatest advantage is that China's socialist system can concentrate on doing great things. This is an important magic weapon for our career. In the past, we have achieved major scientific and technological breakthroughs relying on this magic weapon. Today, we must rely on this magic weapon to advance technological innovation and leapfrogging, and form a new mechanism for concentrating our efforts on major tasks under the conditions of a socialist market economy."

Of course, while seeing the many advantages of China's science and technology system, we must also be prepared for danger in times of peace. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, “This response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic has exposed some shortcomings in China’s major epidemic prevention and control systems, mechanisms, and public health system. It is necessary to speed up the construction of a new nationwide system for key core technologies to effectively improve response to emergencies. The ability and level to cause major public health events". To this end, while summing up the experience of scientific and technological anti-epidemic, we must also comprehensively examine the long and shortcomings of the current scientific and technological innovation system, fully absorb the advanced scientific and technological innovation achievements of all countries in the world, and make the long and shortcomings longer. Make up as soon as possible, and at the same time, truly transform the existing scientific and technological system advantages into realistic governance efficiency, so that scientific and technological innovation becomes an inexhaustible driving force for the country's sustainable development.

We at Huabao Power must firmly seize the opportunity of the rapid development of national science and technology, base on the research and development and innovation of power technology, and develop the Golden Samurai UPS power supply with personalized technical functions according to the needs of different fields and different industries, to create for customers and society Greater value.

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